4096 2008765,Returns a reference to a Data control's underlying Database object. 4097 2008429,Sets a value that determines an action. 4098 2008430,Specifies the control that has focus. 4099 2015380,Returns the form that is the active window. 4100 2008432,Determines where an object is displayed on a form. 4101 2007549,Returns/sets the alignment of a CheckBox/OptionButton text or values in a DBGrid. 4102 2013653,AlignPersist PropertyXXX 4103 2010086,Determines whether the application creating the object in the OLE container control is running. 4104 2007550,Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Archive attributes. 4105 2015294,Returns/sets whether or not controls on an MDIForm or Form object are painted at runtime with 3-D effects. 4106 2009119,Enables the object contained in the OLE container control to decide the activation behavior. 4107 2007830,Returns/sets the output from a graphics method to a persistent bitmap. 4108 2012543,Returns/sets a value that determines whether MDI child forms are displayed when loaded. 4109 2007551,Determines whether a control is automatically resized to display its entire contents. 4110 2009121,Determines if a pop-up menu containing the object's verbs is displayed in a context menu. 4111 2007831,Returns/sets the background color used to display text and graphics in an object. 4112 2008433,Indicates whether a Label or the background of a Shape is transparent or opaque. 4113 2012539,BOFAction, EOFAction Properties 4114 2008434,Returns/sets the color of an object's border. 4115 2007832,Returns/sets the border style for an object. 4116 2008439,Indicates whether a command button is the Cancel button on a form. 4117 2007833,Returns/sets the text displayed in an object's title bar or below an object's icon. 4118 2007554,Returns/sets a value that determines whether a check mark is displayed next to a menu item. 4119 2008465,Returns/sets the class name of an embedded object. 4120 2008467,Determines if graphics methods in Paint events repaint the entire object or newly exposed areas. 4121 2013359,Returns/sets the selected color. 4122 2008472,Determines whether a ListBox scrolls vertically or horizontally and how items are displayed. 4123 2008716,Provides information about the source of an open database. 4124 2007835,Returns a value indicating whether a Control-menu box is displayed on a form at run time. 4125 2015293,A collection whose elements represent each control ona form, including elements of control arrays. 4126 2013361,Returns/sets a value that determines the number of copies to be printed. 4127 2008474,Returns the number of members in a collection. 4128 2008489,Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for next print or draw method. 4129 2008493,Returns/sets a handle to a memory object or GDI object containing data in a specified format. 4130 2009277,Specifies the name of the database associated with the data outline control. 4131 2009519,Indicates whether data in control has changed from data in current record. 4132 2008763,Indicates the name of the field that is the original source of the data in a Field object. 4133 2009128,Specifies the database which is the source of the data. 4134 2008494,Returns a string from or sets a string for the specified object. 4135 2008495,Determines which CommandButton control is the default command button on a form. 4136 2013365,Returns the name of the device a driver supports. 4137 2010071,Determines whether an object displays its contents or an icon. 4138 2007562,Returns/sets the icon to be displayed as the pointer in a drag-and-drop operation. 4139 2007563,Returns/sets a value that determines whether manual or automatic drag mode is used. 4140 2014222,Sets the appearance of output from graphics methods or of a Shape or Line control. 4141 2008497,Determines the line style for output from graphics methods. 4142 2008498,Returns/sets the line width for output from graphics methods. 4143 2007565,Returns/sets the selected drive at run time. 4144 2013368,Returns the name of the driver for a Printer object. 4145 2013369,Determines whether a page is printed on both sides. 4146 2009515,Returns a value that indicates the state of editing for the current record. 4147 2007838,Determines whether a form or control can respond to user-generated events. 4148 2012539,BOFAction, EOFAction Properties 4149 2008721,Indicates whether the underlying database is opened for single-user/multiuser access. 4150 2019451,Returns the name of the .EXE file for the current project. 4151 2007569,Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file. 4152 2008501,Returns the file number used when saving or loading an object, or the last file number used. 4153 2008502,Returns/sets the color used to fill in shapes, circles, and boxes. 4154 2008503,Returns/sets the fill style of a shape. 4155 2015583,Returns a Font object. 4156 2007856,Returns/sets bold font styles. 4157 2007570,Returns the number of fonts available for the current display device or active printer. 4158 2013297,Returns/sets italic font styles. 4159 2007857,Specifies the name of the font that appears in each row for the given level. 4160 2007571,Returns all font names available for the current display device or active printer. 4161 2007858,Specifies the size (in points) of the font that appears in each row for the given level. 4162 2013298,Returns/sets strikethrough font styles. 4163 2009259,Determines whether background text/graphics on a Form, Printer or PictureBox are displayed. 4164 2013299,Returns/sets underline font styles. 4165 2013191,Returns/sets the foreground color used to display text and graphics in an object. 4166 2014565,Specifies the format for displaying and printing numbers, dates, times, and text. 4167 2007840,Returns a handle (from Microsoft Windows) to the object's device context. 4168 2007841,Returns/sets the height of an object. 4169 2008509,Specifies the default Help file context ID for the data outline control. 4170 2008510,Returns/sets the name of the Help file associated with the project. 4171 2013291,Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Hidden attributes. 4172 2008511,Specifies whether the selection in a masked edit control is hidden when the control loses focus. 4173 2008513,Returns/sets the user-readable host name of your Visual Basic application. 4174 2007842,Returns a handle to a form or control. 4175 2007843,Returns the icon displayed when a form is minimized at run time. 4176 2019424,Returns a handle, provided by Microsoft Windows, to a persistent bitmap. 4177 2015499,Returns/sets the number identifying a control in a control array. 4178 2007577,Returns/sets the number of milliseconds between calls to a Timer control's Timer event. 4179 2008514,Returns/sets a specific number for each item in a ComboBox or ListBox control. 4180 2008515,Returns/sets whether keyboard events for forms are invoked before keyboard events for controls. 4181 2007580,Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks the scroll bar area. 4182 2007845,Returns/sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container. 4183 2008008,Returns/sets the data passed to a destination control in a DDE conversation with another application. 4184 2008009,Returns/sets the type of link used for a DDE conversation and activates the connection. 4185 2008011,Returns/sets the amount of time a control waits for a response to a DDE message. 4186 2008012,Returns/sets the source application and topic for a destination control. 4187 2007581,Returns/sets the items contained in a control's list portion. 4188 2007583,Returns the number of items in the list portion of a control. 4189 2007584,Returns/sets the index of the currently selected item in the control. 4190 2008517,Returns the address of the object. 4191 2007848,Determines whether a form has a Maximize button. 4192 2008518,Sets/returns the maximum length of the masked edit control. 4193 2007585,Returns/sets a scroll bar position's maximum Value property setting. 4194 2008519,Determines whether a form is displayed as an MDI child form. 4195 2013966,determineswhether or not a form incorporates the menus from an object on the form's menu bar. 4196 2007849,Determines whether a form has a Minimize button. 4197 2010975,Returns/sets access to additional features of the OLE container control. 4198 2012613,Sets a custom mouse icon. 4199 2007836,Returns/sets the type of mouse pointer displayed when over part of an object. 4200 2007588,Determines whether a TextBox control can accept multiple lines of text. 4201 2008520,Determines whether a user can make multiple selections in a FileListBox or ListBox control. 4202 2015500,Returns the name used in code to identify a form, control, or data acess object. 4203 2008522,Returns the index of the item most recently added to a ComboBox or ListBox control. 4204 2013292,Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with Normal attributes. 4205 2009133,Returns the object in an OLE container control.. 4206 2008530,Returns the list of formats an object can accept. 4207 2008531,Returns the number of formats that can be accepted by an object. 4208 2008536,Returns the list of formats an object can provide. 4209 2008537,Returns the number of formats an object can provide. 4210 2009750,Returns the menu state for each verb in the ObjectVerbs array. 4211 2008542,Returns the list of verbs an object supports.. 4212 2008543,Returns the number of verbs supported by an object. 4213 2013971,OLEMenuGroup PropertyXXX 4214 2008541,Returns the status of the object in an OLE container control. 4215 2009141,Returns/sets the type of object the OLE container control can contain. 4216 2009516,Specifies one or more characteristics of the Recordset object in the control's Recordset property. 4217 2013375,Returns/sets a value indicating whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode. 4218 2007590,Returns the current page number. 4219 2013377,Returns/sets the default paper bin on the printer from which paper is fed when printing. 4220 2013378,Returns/sets the paper size for the current printer. 4221 2015501,Returns the form on which a control is located. 4222 2008523,Returns/sets whether characters typed by a user or placeholder characters are displayed in a TextBox. 4223 2008524,Returns whether the contents of the system Clipboard can be pasted into the OLE container control. 4224 215502,Returns/sets the current path. 4225 2007594,Returns/sets a value indicating the filenames displayed in a FileListBox control at run time. 4226 2007852,Returns/sets a graphic to be displayed in a control. 4227 2013380,Returns the name of the port through which a document is sent to a printer. 4228 2013381,Determines whether a previous instance of an application is already running. 4229 2013382,Returns/sets a value indicating the printer resolution. Not available at design time. 4230 2009137,Determines whether a control can be edited. 4231 2008769,Returns/sets a Recordset object defined by a Data control's properties or by an existing Recordset. 4232 2012542,RecordsetType 4233 2008773,Specifies a SQL statement, table or query that defines a recordset for a given level. 4234 2015538,Returns/sets the number of units for the vertical measurement of an object's interior. 4235 2007860,Returns/sets the horizontal coordinates for the left edges of an object. 4236 2007861,Indicates measurement units for object coordinates when using graphics methods or positioning controls. 4237 2013190,Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object. 4238 2013189,Returns/sets the number of units for the horizontal measurement of an object's interior. 4239 2007600,Returns/sets a value indicating whether an object has vertical or horizontal scroll bars. 4240 2010757,Returns the number of selected items in a ListBox control. 4241 2008528,Returns/sets the selection status of an item in a FileListBox or ListBox control. 4242 2007601,Returns/sets the number of characters selected. 4243 2013387,Returns/sets the starting point of text selected. 4244 2013388,Returns/sets the string containing the currently selected text. 4245 2019430,Returns/sets a value indicating the appearance of a Shape control. 4246 2009751,Determines how the OLE container control is sized or how its image is displayed. 4247 2013300,Returns/sets amount of change to Value property in a scroll bar when user clicks a scroll arrow. 4248 2015518,Indicates whether the elements of a control are automatically sorted alphabetically. 4249 2008546,Returns/sets the filename to use when you create an object. 4250 2008547,Returns/sets the data within the file to be linked when you create a linked object. 4251 2013949,Returns/sets whether an application starts as a stand-alone app or as an object application. 4252 2008548,Determines whether a graphic resizes to fit the size of an Image control. 4253 2007603,Determines the type of ComboBox control and the behavior of its list box portion. 4254 2013293,Determines whether a FileListBox control displays files with System attributes. 4255 2007604,Returns/sets the tab order of an object within its parent form. 4256 2007605,Determines whether a user can use the TAB key to give the focus to an object. 4257 2007606,Stores any extra data needed for your program. 4258 2007607,Returns/sets the text contained in the control. 4259 2015519,Returns/sets the title of the application displayed in the Microsoft Windows Task List. 4260 2013301,Returns/sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container. 4261 2008551,Returns/sets which item in a FileListBox or ListBox control is displayed in the topmost position. 4262 2012632,Determines whether the Printer object considers the default printer setting in the Control Panel. 4263 2008553,Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured horizontally. 4264 2013389,Returns the number of twips per pixel for an object measured vertically. 4265 2008554,Determines how an object is updated when linked data is modified. 4266 2013968,Returns/sets a value that specifies whether an & in a Label's Caption property defines an access key. 4267 2007611,Returns/sets the value of an object. 4268 2008555,Returns/sets an operation to perform when an object is activated using the Action property. 4269 2007612,Determines whether an object is visible or hidden. 4270 2019385,Returns/sets the width of an object. 4271 2008556,Determines whether a Menu object maintains a list of the current MDI child windows. 4272 2007855,Returns/sets the visual state of a form window at run time. 4273 2008557,Determines whether a Label control (with AutoSize = True) expands to fit the text in its Caption. 4274 2008558,Returns/sets the coordinates of the starting point of a Line control. 4275 2013391,Returns/sets the coordinates of the ending point of a Line control. 4276 2013390,Returns/sets the coordinates of the starting point of a Line control. 4277 2013392,Returns/sets the coordinates of the ending point of a Line control. 4278 2012481,Returns/sets the percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down. 4279 2015290,Determines whether OLE container control can be a drop target. 4280 2013360,Returns/sets a value that determines whether a color printer prints output in color or monochrome. 4281 2013188,Returns/sets the vertical coordinates for next print or draw method. 4396 2016000,[[16000]] 8192 2009080,Gets the current record from a Data control's Recordset object and displays data in bound controls. 8193 2009070,Saves the current values of bound controls. 8194 2008024,Adds an item to a Listbox or ComboBox control or a row to a Grid control. 8195 2008030,Arranges the windows or icons within an MDI form object. 8196 1011373,Draws a circle, ellipse, or arc on an object. 8197 2008041,Clears all property settings of the Err object. 8198 2013996,Closes an open object. 8199 2008043,Clears graphics and text generated at run time from a Form, Image, or PictureBox. 8200 2013406,Copies the currently indexed message to the compose buffer. 8201 2013407,Creates an embedded object. 8202 2013408,Creates a linked object from the contents of a file. 8203 2013409,Deletes an object. 8204 2013997,Opens an object for an operation such as editing. 8205 2008069,Begins, ends, or cancels a drag operation of any object except Line, Menu, Shape, or Timer control. 8206 2013681,Terminates a print operation sent to the Printer object. 8207 2013654,Updates the list of verbs an object supports. 8208 2008095,Returns a graphic from the Clipboard object. 8209 2008096,Contains general information about an application. 8210 2008097,Displays a graphic. 8211 2008102,A graphical control displayed as a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line. 8212 2013410,Displays the Insert Object dialog box. 8213 2012486,Immeditaley terminates the current print job. 8214 2019450,TNUM_NOT_FOUND 8215 2013625,Send a command string to the source application in a DDE conversation. 8216 2008129,Transfers contents of Label, PictureBox, or TextBox to source application in DDE conversation. 8217 2013630,Asks the source DDE aplication to update the contents of a Label, PictureBox, or Textbox control. 8218 2008131,Transfers contents of PictureBox to destination application in DDE conversation. 8219 2008150,Moves an MDIForm, Form, or control. 8220 2015282,Ends the current page and advances to the next page on the Printer object. 8221 2014413,Draws the contents of a graphics file on a Form, PictureBox, or Printer object. 8222 2013411,Copies data from the system Clipboard to an OLE container control. 8223 2013656,Displays the Paste Special dialog box. 8224 2012945,Returns, as a long integer, the RGB color of the specified point on a Form or PictureBox object. 8225 2009079,Displays a pop-up menu on an MDIForm or Form object. 8226 2008172,Send a bit-by-bit image of a Form object to the printer. 8227 1011007,Sets a point on an object to a specified color. 8228 2013412,Loads an object from a data file created using the SaveToFile method. 8229 2019542,Forces a complete repaint of a form or control. 8230 2008183,Removes an item from a ListBox or ComboBox control or a row from a Grid control. 8231 2013413,Saves an object to a data file. 8232 2014410,Saves an object in the OLE 1 file format. 8233 2011008,Defines the coordinate system for a Form, PictureBox, or Printer. 8234 2015291,Bring to front (ZOrder method). 8235 2015291,Converts the value for the height from one unit of measure to another. 8236 2008200,Puts a picture on the Clipboard object using the specified graphic format. 8237 2013718,Moves the focus to the specified control or form. 8238 2013891,Puts a text string on the Clipboard object using the specified Clipboard object format. 8239 2008206,Displays an MDIForm or Form object. 8240 2013585,Returns the height of a text string as it would be printed in the current font. 8241 2013586,Returns the width of a text string as it would be printed in the current font. 8242 2013414,Retrieves the currecnt data from the application that supplied the object and displays it as a graphic in the OLE container control. 8243 2008247,Places a specified MDIForm, Form, or control at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level. 8244 2019542,Closes and rebuilds the Recordset object or data structures created by a control. 10000 General Date 10001 Long Date 10002 Medium Date 10003 Short Date 10004 Long Time 10005 Medium Time 10006 Short Time 10007 General Number 10008 Currency 10009 Fixed 10010 Standard 10011 Percent 10012 Scientific 10013 True/False 10014 Yes/No 10015 On/Off 10016 Black 10017 Red 10018 Green 10019 Blue 10020 Cyan 10021 Magenta 10022 Yellow 10023 White 10024 --eE;dmyhnsaApPmM--t/-cqwaoge 10025 $ 10030 ENTER 10031 TAB 10032 ESC 10033 ESCAPE 10034 HOME 10035 END 10036 LEFT 10037 RIGHT 10038 UP 10039 DOWN 10040 PGUP 10041 PGDN 10042 NUMLOCK 10043 SCROLLLOCK 10044 PRTSC 10045 BREAK 10046 BACKSPACE 10047 BKSP 10048 BS 10049 CLEAR 10050 CAPSLOCK 10051 INSERT 10052 DEL 10053 DELETE 10054 HELP 10055 F1 10056 F2 10057 F3 10058 F4 10059 F5 10060 F6 10061 F7 10062 F8 10063 F9 10064 F10 10065 F11 10066 F12 10067 F13 10068 F14 10069 F15 10070 F16 10071 KANA 10072 KANJI 10073 CONVERT 10074 NONCONVERT 10075 ACCEPT 10076 MODECHANGE 10077 HANGEUL 10078 JUNJA 10079 HANJA 10080 FINAL 10081 dd'-'mmm'-'yy 10082 True 10083 Yes 10084 On 10085 False 10086 No 10087 Off 10088 Nothing 10089 Unknown 10090 Empty 10091 Null 10092 Integer 10093 Long 10094 Single 10095 Double 10096 Currency 10097 Date 10098 String 10099 Object 10100 Error 10101 Boolean 10102 Variant 10103 Byte 12288 2009517,Occurs as the result of a data access error that takes place when no Visual Basic code is being executed. 12289 2009518,Occurs after a record become the current record. 12290 2007823,Occurs when a form becomes the active window. 12291 2007552,Indicates that the contents of a control have changed. 12292 2007834,Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object. 12293 2007837,Occurs when you press and release a mouse button and then press and release it again over an object. 12294 2007823,Occurs when a form is no longer the active window. 12295 2007561,Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. 12296 2007564,Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress. 12297 2007567,Occurs when the list portion of a ComboBox control is about to drop down. 12298 2007839,Occurs when an object receives the focus. 12299 2014013,Occurs when an application creates an instance of a Form, MDIForm,or class. 12300 2013276,Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus. 12301 2013278,Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key. 12302 2013241,Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus. 12303 2008005,Occurs when a DDE conversation terminates. 12304 2008006,Occurs when there is an error during a DDE conversation. 12305 2013625,Occurs when a command string is sent by a destination application in a DDE conversation. 12306 2007824,Occurs when the source has changed the DDE data if the LinkMode property of the destination control is Notify. 12307 2008010,Occurs when a DDE conversation is being initiated. 12308 2013620,Occurs when a form is loaded. 12309 2007847,Occurs when an object loses the focus. 12310 2013280,Occurs when the user presses the mouse button while an object has the focus. 12311 2013282,Occurs when the user moves the mouse. 12312 2013240,Occurs when the user releases the mouse button while an object has the focus. 12313 2013415,Occurs immediately after the object within an OLE container control is moved or resized while active. 12314 2013284,Occurs when any part of a form or PictureBox control is moved, enlarged, or exposed. 12315 2007593,Occurs when the path is changed by setting the FileName or Path property in code. 12316 2007595,Occurs when the file listing pattern, such as *.*, is changed using FileName or Pattern in code. 12317 2013267,Occurs before a form or application closes. 12318 2007853,Occurs when a form is first displayed or the size of an object changes. 12319 2013269,Occurs when you reposition the scroll box on a scroll bar or scroll a DBGrid control. 12320 2014014,Occurs when all references to an instance of a Form, MDIForm, or class are removed from memory. 12321 2019431,Occurs when a preset interval for a Timer control has elapsed. 12322 2013261,Occurs when a form is about to be removed from the screen. 12323 2007829,Occurs when an object's data has been modified. 12324 2009145,Occurs before the current record changes; the Update method, and a Delete, Unload, or Close operation. 16384 2007553,Displays an X when selected; the X disappears when the CheckBox is cleared. 16385 2007556,Combines the features of a TextBox control and a ListBox control. 16386 2007557,Uses a CommandButton control to begin interrupt or end a process. 16387 2007560,Displays directories and paths at run time. 16388 2007566,Enables a user to select a valid disk drive at run time. 16389 2007568,Locates and lists files in the directory specified by the Path property at run time. 16390 2007573,Provides an identifiable grouping for controls. 16391 2013117,Provides a horizontal scroll bar for easy navigation through long lists of items. 16392 2019424,Displays a graphic. 16393 2007579,Displays text that a user can't change directly. 16394 2019450,A graphical control displayed as a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line. 16395 2007582,Displays a list of items from which the user can select one or more. 16396 2007586,Displays a custom menu for your application. 16397 2007548,Enables you to add insertable objects to the forms of your applications. 16398 2007589,Displays an option that can be turned on or off. 16399 2007596,Displays a graphic from a bitmap, icon or metafile. 16400 2019430,A graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle or rounded rectangle or square. 16401 2007608,Displays information entered at design time by the user, or in code at run time. 16402 2007609,Executes code at regular intervals by causing a Timer event. 16403 2007572,A window or dialog box that makes up part of an application's user interface. 16404 2008427,Acts as the background for an application and can contain child forms. 16405 2013928,Enables you to communicate with a system printer (intially the default printer). 16406 2013930,Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer. 16407 2013922,Provides access to the system Clipboard. 16408 2008421,Contains general information about an application. 16409 2014849,Provides access to databases using a Recordset object. 16410 2013117,Provides a vertical scroll bar.